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Clinton to replace Bush in Prague

June's extraordinary Czech-American conference will be opened by a former President of the United States. But instead of the forty-first US President, the forty-second will be coming to Prague. Bill Clinton will be replacing George Bush Senior behind the lectern at Zofin Palace.

The world's most powerful economy struck firm roots in the Czech Republic during the 1990s. The United States figures among the Czech Republic's top ten trading partners, with American corporations investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the country. Top Czech and US economists and politicians will discuss how to deepen economic relations even more at Zofin Palace in Prague at the beginning of June.

American investors and businesses have become a major part of the Czech economy in the past twelve years. Government agency CzechInvest has records of twenty-nine implemented projects worth USD 350.3 million. And these figures do not include investments such as Boeing's entry into Aero Vodochody, SDC International's takeover of Koprivnice-based Tatra, Conoco's interest in Ceska Rafinerska, or the expansion of financial institutions GE Capital and Citigroup.

The role of the United States in external trade is also impossible to overlook. According to CzechTrade figures, in 2001 Czech companies exported goods worth CZK 37.89 billion to the US, while goods amounting to CZK 55.17 billion made their way into the Czech Republic from the US. By export volume, the United States is the Czech Republic's eighth largest trading partner; by import volume, its second.

Czech version of this text

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Delegates from the corporate and political arenas will be discussing how to improve conditions for mutual trade and investments and how to eliminate persistent problems between the two countries at Prague's Zofin Palace on 4 and 5 June. The keynote address at the two-day conference will be delivered by former American President Bill Clinton. Other top representatives of the United States include the Ambassador to the Czech Republic Craig Stapleton, Appien Group President Jacques de Groote, and Daimler Chrysler President Hilmar Kopper.

Czech representatives include Vaclav Klaus, Vladimir Spidla, Miroslav Gregr, and Cyril Svoboda.


Tuesday 4 June 2002 - Zofin Palace

From 10.00 a.m. - main addresses by speakers and guests, including special guest and main speaker William J Clinton

Each speaker will have about thirty minutes

Estimated end: 5.00 p.m.

Guests will then be invited to the lower section of Zofin Palace, where discussions will take place on the most interesting themes; the Gala Evening will be prepared in the main hall

Tuesday 4 June 2002 - evening - Zofin Palace

Gala Evening attended by VIPs, including William J Clinton

Performances by top US and Czech Jazz musicians


Wednesday 5 June 2002 - Zofin Palace

Estimated start: 10.00 a.m.

Panel discussions on the most interesting themes of the first day

Guests and partners select the most interesting themes and the guests they want to hold discussions with

Estimated end: 5.00 p.m. (depending on delegates' interest)

Czech-American Conference on Investments and Trade

Date: 4-5 June 2002 (Tuesday, Wednesday)

Venue: Zofin Palace, Prague

Main paper: William Jefferson Clinton, President of the USA 1993-2001

Attendance: top representatives of economic and political life in the Czech Republic, invited foreign guests

Purpose of conference: to discuss the largest Czech-American investments and trade operations carried out between 1990 and 2001, assess their success, identify problems and reserves in mutual economic relations, propose growth opportunities, identify untapped reserves for future development, determine the causes of the current situation, and specify a means of troubleshooting and eliminating current barriers.

Attendance fee: CZK 49,000 per person, which includes:
- Attendance for one person at both days of the conference
- An invitation for one person to the Gala Evening
- A presentation in the official conference programme
- Proceedings, containing all addresses and contributions
- Refreshments during the conference
- Simultaneous interpreting of contributions delivered in foreign languages

Binding order - click here



Šéf Úřadu práce: Umělá inteligence vše mění. Za mě už AI píše dopisy ministrům

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