
Svět 2005: bohatství poroste pomaleji

Světová ekonomika prosvištěla letošní rok nebývalou rychlostí a silou. Příští rok už však nebude mít tolik síly, aby rekordní tempo udržela. Američané, největší spotřebitelská armáda světa, si budou utahovat opasky a celý svět pocítí jejich menší chuť utrácet.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


6. 12. 2004 10:16
svět pro horních 10.000
Bohatství hebrejských svobodných zednářů a jejich přisluhovačů z řad českých politiků poroste v r. 2005 pomaleji.
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6. 12. 2004 5:30
mexican workers were happy at the thought of good paying american jobs going south of the border. and that they did! now income has not risen in northern mexico and MEXICAN WORKERS ARE LETTING THEMSELVES TAKE IT RIGHT IN THE SHORTS BY AMERICAN COMPANIES. LABOR UNIONS ARE LEGAL IN MEXICO! I REPEAT LABOR UNIONS ARE LEGAL IN MEXICO! na pokracovani:
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6. 12. 2004 5:32
Re: illegals
so here's a thought my fellow mexican brothers and sisters stand up for yourselves like we GRINGOS DID AND OTHERS' AND DEVELOPE A SET OF BALLS!!!!!!!! AND STICK UP FOR YOURSELVES. instead of comming to this nation and screwing it up! were i live in vancouver wa, we have been over run with mexicans and my neihborhood has a huge (UNDOCUMENTED WORKER POPULATION) and crime has shot up like a sky rocket, mexicans are now doing the jobs for a hell of alot less than native residnce do....
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6. 12. 2004 5:16
Karloff Olaff
Please "gringos" do not forget that your ancestors also were immigrants who took over "authentic Americans" (Indians) lands in a total brute an illegal fashion. Also do not forget that your independence from England was initiated by a bunch of immigrants, who broken the king laws. Furthermore do not forget how illegally your gringo’s ancestors immigrated to former Mexican territories and how illegally declared war and fought against Mexicans to take over their lands. In some way I understand your xenophobia, because one of the usual reactions of the human being when facing his scenes is to hate others who, in some way reflect their same scenes. Na pokracovani.....
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6. 12. 2004 5:18
Re: Karloff Olaff
Along your country history you and your ancestors are plagued of injustice toward other people and countries, therefore I assume you are genetically marked with the shame of your past and present and thus you hate every people doing the same as your ancestors and yourselves. I think this is the main reason of your hate toward immigrants. Please do not forget, be smart, and be in peace with your soul and stop hating yourself and your ancestors through others.
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6. 12. 2004 5:16
Aaaa. Krakonos ...
Krakonos xindl se zase nudi u kompu a rudnou mu oci, respektive hnedne kamizola.
Covece, ty chudacku, vypni ten pocitac a bez neco poradnyho delat. Je to opravdu otrava, ty Tvoje fantasmagorie cist.
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6. 12. 2004 1:38
Zblaznili jste se???
Cinska populace vzrostla letos o 0.57% s tim ze porodnost dale klesa!!!!! Autor mozna myslel 15mil lidi a ne 15%. Ani to neni, ale presne. Je to 12.5mil - emigrace 5mil = 7.5 mil
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6. 12. 2004 3:20
Re: Re: Zblaznili jste se???
Za prve: pouze jsem opravil naprosto spatny udaj. Za druhe: v USA to "fachci" mnohem lepe nez v Evrope i presto ze je tady 33% barevnych. Je to dano systemem a nabozenstvim. Muslimu jsou tady pouha 2%. Co s tim maji delat Zide, to jsem nepochopil. Zrejme se vam to trosku v hlave pomichalo. Preji krasny den.
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